Symon is a female Congo African Grey Parrot who lives in a cozy country home with her parents, Chris and Sheila, and her two parrot siblings, Mickey and Sunny. Symon is an outgoing and talkative bird who loves to chat with anyone who will listen. Her favorite phrases are “Give me a kiss” and “I love you,” which she repeats frequently throughout the day.
Symon’s family is not just limited to birds, however. They share their home with five rescued cats, including William, Meg, Harry, Gigi, and Garfield. Despite being different species, all of the animals get along famously, and they often play chase around the house. Symon enjoys chatting away to them, asking for kisses and declaring her love.
Symon’s love for talking is impressive, and she has a vast vocabulary that includes everyday sounds such as phones ringing and doorbells chiming. Her ability to mimic human speech is uncanny, and she often surprises her family with new phrases or sounds. Her favorite, however, remains “Give me a kiss” and “I love you,” which she repeats whenever anyone approaches her cage.
Symon’s playful personality and impressive vocabulary bring joy and laughter to her family’s daily routine. They often spend hours chatting with her, listening to her mimic their laughter or repeat phrases they have taught her. Her affectionate nature also endears her to her animal siblings, and they often cuddle up against her cage, enjoying the attention from their feathered friend.
Despite her small size, Symon has a big presence in the household, and her family cherishes each and every moment spent with her. She is a beloved member of the family, and her favorite phrases “Give me a kiss” and “I love you” have become a cherished part of their daily routine. Symon’s love for talking and her affectionate nature make her a unique and special member of the family, bringing laughter and joy to everyone around her.

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    15 replies to "A few minutes with Symon The African Grey Talking Parrot while she practices her words🦜#cag #birds"

    • @mariarey7534


    • @robertgedzelman380

      Pardon me for asking: Why does Simon wear a "tutu" (LoL)? To keep her warm? So that she does not pluck out feathers? My mom had an African Meyers parrot who didn't talk much, but what a character he was! Buddy made sounds (whistles, clicks, chirps) that were unique to whoever was in the room. My mom knew who was with Buddy due to the specific sounds Buddy made for each family member. And boy, do parrots REMEMBER!

    • @CUTIEBOI65


    • @Sparkly-Unicorn

      Ahhh, Alexa annoys her too😂. She chatters and whistles right over her 😂😂! But, wow!!! Her feathers are so unique and she’s clearly an extraordinary bird 😍.

    • @cynthiatolman326

      Such a pretty baby girl. ❤

    • @12feetup

      "Alexa, order a hundred kilos of bananas, carrots, and grapefruit"

    • @nutgoof

      Symon, the missing Flintstone.

    • @darthscouser5255

      bird is the word 😂

    • @MissV...

      Big kisses to you, as always Symon ❤❤❤

    • @MonaLisaLjungqvist

      My darling 😊😊😊😊

    • @MonaLisaLjungqvist


    • @LadyValkyri

      Alexa is stuck on the weather channel! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for the yabba-dabba-dabba-doos, you pretty parrot. And I LOVE the wall paint color! Hugs

    • @nonik5161

      Hello baby girl 💕🌸🥰😍😘

    • @soonmoo614

      😂😂A-hole B-hole🤣🤣You're too cute for words Symon! Love you sweet girl😇

    • @HomemadeCookingTube

      A hole lol😂. I love when she says Hey Alexa what's a parrot. And then Alexa proceeds to give her the weather lol.

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