My Name Is Bond, James Bond – Lottie my African Grey Parrot
Lottie my African Grey telling everyone her name is Bond, James Bond [plus the tune whistled of cause]. Then blows a kiss and says "Whats that all about?" So Cute
Lottie my African Grey telling everyone her name is Bond, James Bond [plus the tune whistled of cause]. Then blows a kiss and says "Whats that all about?" So Cute
Demo Debbie Meyer Green Boxs From HSN This set is made to prolong the life/duration of poduce. We have parrots and go through alot of produce and end throwing some
These guys were such sweeties, I went and visited my parents down in California and finally got to meet my Step moms babies. I grew super attached to the female who
www.mediaanimal.tv Josh Cook is an Australian avian behaviorist and bird whisperer. In this video he shows you how to teach your bird to free fly.He demonstrates using his beautiful macaw
like our FB page : https://www.facebook.com/BirdsTameness.Inc RELEASING the solution to one of the biggest problems bird lovers face and one of the most annoying problems !. here is what you should
Boudreaux displays mating behavior by making typical mating sounds and also regurgitating food. Please excuse the whining dog in the background. Honey Bear was jealous because Boudreaux was getting the
So this may look very funny to you, but to a new Eclectus owner, it was very frightening! I thought something was wrong with Dovahkiin, but as it turns out,
Can't get McMurphy out of his cage. Seems to me that it was about this time a couple years ago when he plucked all his feathers out. We
The Kea (/ˈkiː.ə/; Māori: [kɛ.a]; Nestor notabilis) is a large species of parrot (superfamily Strigopoidea) found in forested and alpine regions of the South Island of New Zealand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kea Arthur's
The Kea is an unusual species of parrot found in forested and alpine regions of the South Island of New Zealand. Kea are legendary for their intelligence and curiousity, both vital
Rafael Zamora Padrón tells us some details about the environmental enrichment of our kea in the snow.